Welcome Souper You.

You've been identified as one of a select group of extraordinary people. Making the choice to put good stuff into the world is something we believe in too. Now help us honour you with your very own personal action figure.

How does it work?

Using the latest in 3D printing technology, we're about to turn you into a mini version of your souper self. All we need are your photos and your choice of action figure.

No payment information is necessary. This is our gift to you in recognition of those small acts of goodness you perform without fuss or fanfare.

Take your photo

  • Take three photos of your head - one from the front, one from the side and one of the back.
  • Use a camera flash to ensure even lighting and avoid blurry images. Max size is 2MB's per photo.
  • Make sure your hair is away from your eyes and forehead and that you're looking directly into the camera. Please avoid hats, glasses or jewellery.
  • Keep the same expression for both front and profile shots with mouth closed.

Select your Souper body

Time for
Step 1: Enter your unique code
Step 2: Select your body
Step 3: Select your hair colour
Step 4:
Upload Images
Front: none
Side: none
Back: none
Postal Code:
Email Address:


1. How are these action figures made?
The action figures are 3D printed and are made of a white powder called gypsum powder or polymer clay. The prints are created in a full colour 3D printer layer after layer. They are printed in full colour (no painting) with ink and binder then go through a finishing process which includes sanding and waxing.
2. Will the figure look exactly like me?
The action figure will look just like you. We are using one male and one female generic body with custom printed heads. While nothing is as accurate as a full 360-degree scan, as long as the pictures that you send are of excellent quality then we will be able to generate a head file that looks just like you!
3. Why is Chunky soup doing this?
We believe that when people eat good stuff - like soup with big pieces of veggies and seasoned meat - they're able to put more good into the world. So when we see others doing lots of good stuff, we're naturally delighted to find them.
4. How are you choosing people to receive an action figure?
This is not a contest and we are simply surprising people who we notice are doing the kind of stuff that we think is souper. Unfortunately, at this time you cannot purchase an action figure and we're not able to provide unique codes upon request.
For any other questions relating to action figure production and shipping, please email souperyou@my3dagency.com
For any other questions relating to Chunky Soup or this campaign, please Contact Us OR direct message us on our Facebook page.