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We want you to be our Partner

Consider 3D Printing Yourself, or the celebrity you represent, as Limited Edition 3D Printed Figurine

MY3D is reaching out to actors, athletes, musicians and public figures or the agents who represent them.

We would like to work in association with you to produce your very first 3D print. If you are heavily involved in social media then we can sell your 3D print online and we can involve a charity of your choice so we can both make a difference. The time requirement on your part is minimal.

Scanning takes only four minutes then you are pretty much done. We will clean up your file and work with you to create the very best 3D print. Your 3D print can be part of a limited edition set to be sold online.

We would like you to IMMORTALIZE THE MOMENT!

Please send all business opportunity inquiries to Michael Gossack at or 416-509-9030.

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